Turmeric For Dogs: 10 Health Benefits You Should Know About

Andrew Toft
11 min readOct 18, 2020

Do you love your dog and wonder, is turmeric for dogs really all it’s cracked up to be? Various studies show the horrific side effects that can hurt your pup more when it comes to traditional medications.

When it comes to treating your dog of any illness, you want to offer them the best treatment and the safest. You don’t want your dog to suffer from any side effects and their associated side effects.

There are ways to bypass these horrible side effects by using a little spice. Turmeric is the spice we are going to look at today. Turmeric is traditionally found in Indian cuisine.

Turmeric can offer your dog unique holistic health benefits that can help improve your dog’s overall health.

Let's take a deeper look into turmeric for dogs.

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What Is Turmeric?

Turmeric is a member of the ginger family, which originated in Asia. It’s a delicious light orange spice that is commonly found in curry dishes.

It typically has a deep earthy flavor, which is usually associated with Indian and Thai cuisine. People have been using turmeric for medicinal and culinary purposes for a long time.

When it comes to turmeric for dogs, they can also benefit from all that turmeric has to offer. Currently, there are around 6000 studies that back up and support the benefits of including turmeric in your dog’s daily diet.

Research Into Turmeric Shows It Can Trump A Lot Of Expensive Drugs Such As:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Arthritis
  • Steroids
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Inflammatory bowel disease drugs

These are just some of the amazing benefits turmeric can offer your dog.

Let’s take a deeper look into this amazing spice. I will show you how much to give your dog and some advice for which dogs shouldn’t take turmeric.

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What Is Curcumin?

Turmeric has an active ingredient called curcumin, which is basically a compound. Curcumin is the main ingredient that gives turmeric all of its amazing properties such as antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. All of this combined helps to strengthen your dog’s immune system.

There has been an increase in the interest in turmeric because of its powerful healing properties. Veterinarian scientists recommend that dog owners give turmeric supplements to their pets or administer turmeric in their dogs’ food for maximum health benefits.

What Are The Benefits Of Turmeric For Dogs?

1.Turmeric Anti-inflammatory Effects

The first thing you may be thinking is that inflammation issues only affect dogs with arthritis; when it comes to inflammatory-related issues, most people are unaware that dogs’ chronic inflammation is a silent killer.

It is worth noting that not all inflammation is bad. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to fight infection. It signals the body to release white blood cells to fight off and stop the infection.

Chronic inflammation is a different story entirely to low-grade and acute inflammation, which usually goes away on its own.

Turmeric for dogs can aid with chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation should be taken more seriously because it can lead to more serious conditions.

If your dog has a simple dental inflammation, it can lead to heart disease if left untreated. Certain infections can be more serious. For example, if a chronic bladder infection is left untreated, it can lead to bladder cancer.

The most common and most talked about inflammation is recurrent joint inflammation, leading to degenerative joint disease.

2.Turmeric Can Help With Arthritis Pain

We have learned that turmeric for dogs can help with inflammation, and arthritis results from inflammation, so how can turmeric for dogs help.

As a dog ages, their joints become vulnerable to inflammations, stiffness, and weakness. Turmeric can reduce pain, inflammation and help with stiffness. This can help your dog with their range of motion and overall mobility.

A clinical study in 2014 shown that turmeric works better than ibuprofen and aspirin. It also showed that when it comes to treating arthritis, Ibuprofen was better.

A major drawback for most traditional arthritis medications is that they cause stomach upsets in dogs, and turmeric does not.

3.Turmeric Benefits For Dogs With Cancer

As we discussed above, chronic inflammation can lead to cancer. Turmeric offers great antioxidant properties.

Cancer Research UK identified that curcumin could stop precancerous areas from becoming cancer. This is great research that proves turmeric helps to prevent cancer.

The curcumin in turmeric has identified the possibilities to inhibit the growth and spread of mammary cancer cells. There is also great research that shows curcumin can prevent and inhibit brain tumors.

There is also ongoing research into curcumin, preventing the activation of mast cells. This is believed to be possible by controlling the inflammation and can cause apoptosis(death of cancer cells) in osteosarcoma and prevent its metastasis.

4.Choose Turmeric Over Steroids

There are a lot of dogs on steroids for joint pain and allergies. Still, there are a lot of side effects for your dog from steroids such as lowered immune system, increased thirst, muscle weakness, gastrointestinal ulcers, and there is also an increased chance of Cushing’s disease.

Some great studies identify that curcumin is as effective as steroids if not better in some cases.

5.Turmeric For Your Dogs Liver

The liver’s main role is to remove toxins whilst to absorb nutrients and to regulate blood content. Turmeric is a great aid to your dog’s liver because it helps break down fats and remove unwanted waste, helping maintain a healthy liver.

As well as turmeric for dogs being great for their liver, milk thistle also offers great benefits for your dog’s liver. If your dog has a weaker liver or a pre-existing liver problem, turmeric can support your dog’s liver.

6.Turmeric Can Help Treat Gastrointestinal Disorders

The anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric can help treat IBD and many other gastrointestinal disorders.

IBD can cause all sorts of nasty symptoms for your dog, such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, bloody diarrhea, and more. The amazing anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric can help fight IBD, which will promote a healthy G.I system in your dog.

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7.Turmeric Is a Great Antioxidant

Turmeric is a strong antioxidant; it can help in several areas of your dog’s health. When looking at turmeric for dogs, antioxidants help fight off free radicals attributed to faster aging.

Free radicals are released in dogs’ bodies from many different sources, but a few more commonly known origins are when dogs are exposed to pesticides, chemicals, and insecticides.

Curcumin aids in eliminating free radicals, which, in turn, slows down the aging process and increases your dog’s lifespan.

8.Turmeric Is A Anticoagulant

This is important to note if your dog is on any medication which thins their blood. Turmeric helps prevent blood clots and is a blood thinner, which also helps to prevent cholesterol build-up.

Although dogs are not typically affected by cholesterol, dogs still require 20% fat in their diets. This is important to understand when it comes to blood clots, giving your dog a heightened risk of heart disease.

9.Turmeric Is Anti-allergenic

As mentioned above, in regards to steroids, turmeric can treat allergies on its own but is often complimented with reduced steroid intake. Turmeric, in some circumstances, can boost the effect of steroids and reduce the negative effects.

Turmeric can also be used by itself as a natural treatment for allergies.

10. Turmeric Is Great For Pain Relief

The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric can provide a natural source of pain relief. Turmeric can also deal with stiffness and pain from arthritis. Unlike ibuprofen, turmeric will not cause gastrointestinal upset.

Related: Vegan Dog Food | The Ultimate 2020 Guide

Turmeric For Dogs — Dosage

Whether you decide to use turmeric capsules for your dogs or some other form, this is a great natural remedy your dog can benefit from.

You may be wondering how turmeric can I give my dog?

The general guidelines recommend that small to medium-sized dogs take 250 milligrams twice a day. Large to giant dog breeds should be given 500 milligrams two to three times per day.

Dogs Naturally Magazine suggests that “The recommended dose for dogs is 15mg-20mg per pound of body weight per day, or more simply put, 1/8 to 1/4 tsp per day for every 10lbs in weight.”

It’s important to remember that the proper recommend turmeric dosage will vary by size and health status. It’s always recommended if you have any doubts about any dog-related topic to discuss this with your vet.

When it comes to increasing the dosage of turmeric you are giving your dog, you should do this slowly over a period of time to be on the safe side. I would recommend that you buy high-quality organic turmeric products for your dogs.

Turmeric For Dogs — Side Effects

Now that you know all the benefits that turmeric can offer your dog, it’s important to understand some of the safety precautions before giving your dog any turmeric.

It’s important to understand that most of the side effects of turmeric come from overdosing. There are several unwanted side effects to be aware of:

  • Nausea
  • Upset Stomach
  • Gallbladder issues
  • Bruising
  • Iron deficiency
  • Dizziness

Most, if not all, of these side effects, can be avoided if turmeric is taken in the correct dosage. These side effects are only really common if turmeric is taken in excess.

There is also the problem of staining that you need to be aware of. Turmeric can cause yellow staining if used topically, which can stain your skin, hair, and clothes, so it’s best to use it with caution.

When Can Turmeric Be Bad For Dogs?

I’m sure you may have asked yourself but is turmeric bad for dogs? It’s important to consider your dog’s current medical condition and speak with your vet before giving your dog turmeric if it has had liver issues or other ongoing health problems.

It’s also worth speaking with your vet first if your dog is currently on any medication as turmeric does thin the blood. Turmeric is also a warming spice, so if your dog overheats easily or is frequently hot, turmeric may not be the best choice.

Turmeric For Dogs — Recipes

When I give my dog certain products or supplements, I like the ability to make them myself, so I know exactly what is in them. I will, however, provide three homemade recipes and some products I recommend from Amazon below.

When it comes to a dog’s turmeric consumption, a dog’s body absorbs and utilizes turmeric best mixed with healthy fat and black pepper. This is why most turmeric recipes for dogs usually contain coconut oil or another good fat source,

Below I have three homemade recipes for you. The turmeric powder you chose to use can either be turmeric for dogs or pure turmeric powder for humans.

If you are enjoying this content please check out my blog at Doolally Dogs

Golden Paste For Dogs | A Natural Detox

There is a seemingly never-ending list of benefits of golden paste for dogs. It can make a great addition to your dog’s daily meals. I will list some of the benefits for you below:

  • Aids in allergy relief
  • Natural detox
  • Anti-inflammatory — This is great for dogs with arthritis
  • Great for the heart, liver, and digestive tract
  • Can help with the treatment of cancer

It is recommended to feed golden paste to your dogs twice a day with food its great to spread it throughout the day, so once with their morning meal and the second with their evening meal.

I advise you to spread it out because turmeric does not last very long once consumed. You can feed it in smaller amounts throughout the day to your dogs.

The infographic above is great for dosage, but if you missed it, I would also put it here; whenever you introduce new food to your dog, you should always start slow-half a teaspoon for larger dogs and a quarter of a teaspoon for smaller dogs.

For example, I give my 55lb dog 1 tablespoon per day, and my 75lb dog gets 1.5 tablespoons per day.

I can’t take credit for this recipe. I actually found it from YouTube. It’s by a lady called Dr. Judy Morgan. I will link the video at the end of the recipe if some prefer watching rather than reading.



Warm the water in a pan and add in the turmeric. Slowly stir together until it turns into a paste. Turn off your stove at this point. Add the coconut oil, fresh ground pepper, and Ceylon cinnamon and mix well! Serve with the next meal! Store in the fridge for about two weeks.

This amount of past should last you about two weeks.

Turmeric Gravy

This one is rather simple, but everyone loves gravy. Your dog will love this culinary treat. Place one teaspoon of organic turmeric powder in a cup. Fill the cup 1/3 full with hot water. Mix in black pepper and olive oil until it soaks into the gravy.

You can add this to wet or dry dog food for a tasty treat.

Turmeric Oil

Turmeric oil is a lighter mixture with less intensity. The first thing to do is add 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder to a cup, then add coconut oil. After that, add 6–8 grains of black pepper into the mixture. Mix this and add it on top of your dog food.


You and I would like our dogs to be as healthy as they possibly can be. It really hurts to your fur baby suffering from infections, joint pain, or cancer. Fortunately, turmeric can act as a preventative therapy to promote good health, fight off illness, and alleviate pain.

It’s worth remembering turmeric for dogs should be mixed with some coconut oil or pepper to help maximize absorption. This amazing natural spice will really help your best friend’s health.

Related: Vegan Dog Food | The Ultimate 2020 Guide

Originally published at https://doolallydogs.com.

