Can Dogs Eat Blueberries? The Best Superfood For Dogs

Andrew Toft
7 min readOct 23, 2020

Can dogs eat blueberries? The simple answer is yes; dogs can eat blueberries. However, there are some things you should know before you start feeding them to your dog.

Blueberries offer a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that can benefit your dog. A benefit of feeding your dog blueberries is that they are small and soft and don’t pose much of a choking risk.

A lot of large dog food companies use blueberries in the majority of their formulas. As with any new human food you are thinking of giving to your dog, too much of a good thing can be bad.

Feeding too many blueberries to your dog can lead to gastrointestinal upset and diarrhea. This can happen because blueberries contain a high amount of fiber, causing problems for your dog.

I advise you to ask your vet before giving your dog any new human food. As well as contacting your vet, any new food should always be given in small amounts.

When blueberries are fed correctly to dogs, they can be a tasty and healthy treat. Below we will look deeper into can dogs eat blueberries?

Why Are Blueberries Good For Dogs?

One of the main positives of blueberries is that they are low in calories. Blueberries can make a great training treat or snack for your dog, and you won’t have to worry about weight gain or obesity.

Blueberries are high in many different minerals and minerals, which are beneficial for your dog.

The Antioxidant Benefits Of Blueberries For Dogs

Blueberries are one of the superfoods that have been researched extensively since the early ’90s. What is great about this research is that scientists have studied the benefits of blueberries in dogs.

Researchers did one of the more well-known studies in Italy. It involved two groups of service dogs.

The dogs were given the same food, which was kibble. One group got blueberries and other berries added to their kibble-the researchers found that after 18 weeks, the dogs eating blueberries had a lower oxidative stress marker.

Another study was conducted with sled dogs. The scientists discovered that dogs who ate blueberries were better protected against oxidative damage than those found in the control group.

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How Blueberries Protect The Brain

When answering the question, can dogs eat blueberries? One of the greatest benefits blueberries offer is its antioxidant properties.

Compared to any other body tissue, the brain uses more oxygen. This can increase the negative effects of oxidative stress on the brain and nervous system.

Blueberries contain a special type of antioxidant that can cross the blood-brain barrier.

A study was carried out on rats at Tufts University in Boston, where they fed the rats blueberries for two months. The rats who were given the blueberries did better in maze and memory tests than the control group.

The rats showed blueberry pigments on their brains when the researchers examined them. Across the majority of the rat’s brains, the researchers found antioxidants from the blueberries called anthocyanins.

Anthocyanins are the phytochemicals that give blueberries their blue-red color. Anthocyanins are what give blueberries their potent antioxidant properties.

Can Dogs Eat Blueberries: Minerals And Nutrients


Blueberries contain vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K. These vitamins combined work hard to boost your dog’s immune system, reduce inflammation, and support proper function and quality of skin and coat.


More benefits of blueberries come from calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. These minerals help your dog with bone growth and the body’s ability to use minerals and vitamins more efficiently.

This is a chemical compound found in plants. They offer a wide range of benefits for both humans and dogs. Studies have found that phytochemicals help to fight cancer and also reduce inflammation in chronic diseases.


This is what gives blueberries their blue/purple color. Anthocyanins work with antioxidants to lower the risk of heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.

Can Blueberries Be Bad For Your Dog?

What You Need To Know

As we already know, blueberries can be safe for dogs. Blueberries pose no toxicity risk to your dog. Blueberries are a safer and healthier snack option for your dog.

Blueberries are a good source of fiber and vitamin C and are low in sugar, making it an excellent treat for diabetic dogs.

Why You Should Still Be Careful With Blueberries

While they are technically safe to eat, that doesn’t mean that blueberries still don’t come with some risks of their own. For instance, many dogs are more likely to wolf down smaller foods without much thought for chewing, which means that they could be a choking hazard.

Just like humans, dogs can have food allergies, too. Ten percent of all dogs have an allergy. If you spot any signs like ear inflammation, chronic gas, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal issues, you should talk with your veterinarian.

After they’ve ruled out other causes, they may suggest eliminating and reintroducing foods. Be sure to stick with the new diet for a couple of months to be sure of working for your dog.

Blueberries have some specific risks of their own, too. Some people will freeze blueberries, making the perfect cold, hydrating treat in the summer, but this makes them more likely to act as a choking hazard.

What’s more, too many blueberries can lead to an upset stomach, especially if they haven’t been cleaned and checked for mold in advance. Blueberries can make a tasty treat, and you can spread some into their regular dog food if you want to, but only in moderation.

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What Is The Best Way To Feed Blueberries To Your Dog?

When we look at the question, can dogs eat blueberries? There are many different ways in which you can feed blueberries to your dog.


The best way to feed blueberries to your dog is fresh. You can add the raw berries directly to your dog’s food or give them as a treat. As the fruit in this form is relatively soft, it shouldn’t be much of a choking hazard.

To prepare the fresh blueberries for your dog, make sure you rinse them well in water and inspect them to make sure they contain no mold.


Blueberries are a splendid way to add them to your dog’s food bowl. You can also add them in with other berries like strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries for a nutritional punch.


Freezing blueberries is a great idea, especially in the summer months. However, freezing the berries increases the risk of choking, especially in smaller dogs. But you can thaw them out and mash them before offering them.

Larger dogs should be ok with frozen blueberries, but you should observe your dog while eating them and only offer them 1–2.


I love to do this with my dogs in the summer months, add blueberries to yogurt or coconut water, and freeze them. It makes a great hydrating snack.

How many blueberries can my dog eat?

As with any human food, portion control is important. When it comes to can dogs eat blueberries, we need to class blueberries as a treat.

Treats for your dog should only make up 10% of their diet, and blueberries, in this case, should be given as an occasional treat.

For the average small dog, 10 blueberries would be a good amount. Larger dogs can have more, but you should keep the amount as 10% of their diet.

It’s important to keep an eye on the number of blueberries your dog eats. A large dog can easily polish off a large punnet of blueberries before you would notice if left unattended.

Roughly 10% of dogs can show signs of intolerance or allergies to new foods. It’s important to watch your dog closely when you try them with any new food.

Start with a smaller amount and keep an eye out for the following symptoms chronic gas, gastrointestinal upset, itchiness, hives, or ear inflammation.

If you notice any of these symptoms, stop feeding your dog the new food, and contact your vet.

Great Alternatives To Blueberries For Dogs

When it comes to the question, can dogs eat blueberries? We know now that your dog can eat blueberries. There is a very low risk that your dog may choke on blueberries because they are so small, and I know some of you will worry about that.

For that reason and the slight possibility, your dog may be allergic to blueberries. I have some great alternatives fruits that are great for your dog.

Some great fruits for dogs that are larger and require a bit more chewing include:

Whenever you feed any new human food to your dog, it’s important to start slowly. The reason for this is mainly to see if the new food agrees with your dog.

Recipes For Feeding Blueberries To Your Dog

I found two amazing recipes that will allow your dogs to enjoy the amazing benefits of blueberries.

Borrow My Doggy has a fantastic recipe for creating a crunchy, healthy blueberry treat for your dog.

Proud Dog Mom has a fantastic recipe for frozen blueberry treats, which your dogs will love during the hot summer months.

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